F119-Pratt & Whitney-100 Engine

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*F119 Turbojet Engine Specs and Facts*

*Made of Lightweight Titanium / Carbon Fiber / Aluminum Alloy.
*The high exerted thrust enables the F-22 to cryuise at Mach 1.4 without the use of Afterburners.
*Simplest Modern Engine made and needs very little maintenance time.
*Twin Thrust Vectoring Nozzles of improved climbing and diving ability.
*Low smoke exhaust improves stealth and risk of being detected.
*Fully Digital Engine control and inginition systems.
*Improved Bladed Rotors to allow less air leakage.
*The F119 Engine contains 40% less major parts than most jet enignes today.
*75% fewer shop visits are needed to repair and maintain the engine.
*First engine in the world to feature the thrust vector technology.
*Most of the major instruments are located at the botton of the engine for easy maintenance.
*The small, simplke design allows the Removal and replacing of each engine take only 75 minutes.
*Light alloy turbine fan blades improve strength and weight reduction of the engine's internals.

Engine Company and Production Specifications

Pratt and Whitney Web Site


Engine Assembly Plant Specifications

Lockheed Martin Web Site



F119 Engine During Testing